AJR Communications

TCC Group Website Relaunch

TCC Group (formerly The Conservation Company) is a consulting firm that develops strategies and programs that enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of nonprofit organizations, philanthropies, and corporate citizenship programs. The firm's website, however, launched in 2003, was not effective or efficient.

By the time a content management system (CMS) was instituted in early 2006, much of the code needed to be cleaned and many of the templates were no longer relevant. Additionally, the two-tone nature of the site and lengthy descriptions read more like a brochure than a website. Due to the changes needed, overhauling the site was was actually faster and less expensive than simply revising the templates.

As Marketing Manager, I developed the site architecture, wrote and edited all the website text, and managed the relaunch with the assistance of two designers, a developer, and TCC's marketing coordinator and marketing intern.

The revamped site includes a number of changes and revisions including:

  1. Eye-catching photos and logos
  2. Updated text written in a web-appropriate style
  3. Addition of calendar and news sections on the front page
  4. More intuitive navigation by grouping information by practice area (nonprofit, corporate and philanthropy) and by service (strategic planning, evaluation, etc.)
  5. Improved layout and design through use of top and left-hand navigation bars
  6. Improved organization by grouping print publications together and following a staff bio template
  7. Addition of media section
  8. Mandatory registration before visitors can download publications with mailing list "opt-in"

  The TCC Group website is still in use and is available online at www.tccgrp.com. Click here to open the site in a new window.
  To view additional before and after screenshots of this website redevelopment, please contact Alexandrea.
Alexandrea J. Ravenelle -- Marketing & Communications
©2010 Alexandrea J. Ravenelle. All rights reserved.