AJR Communications
Annual Appeal Letters

When writing annual appeal letters for my clients, I highlight the organization's accomplishments through memorable antedotes and impressive statistics. If the organization is facing a new set of challenges -- such as the recent economic downturn -- I paint a picture of the organization's role in the community and future goals.

When appropriate, I work with clients to develop inserts and direct mail add-ons that further highlight their accomplishments, provide a face to the organization's services and leave a lasting impression.

My annual appeal letters have brought in hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations and have helped to keep my clients "top of mind" for their donors.

In addition, due to my experience launching and managing CRM (client relationship management) software such as eTapestry, Rasier's Edge and other Access-based programs, I can work with clients to clean and segment their lists and increase the return on their direct mail investment.

Click here to contact me directly and learn more about how I can help your organization increase its fundraising effectiveness.

Alexandrea J. Ravenelle -- Marketing & Communications
©2010 Alexandrea J. Ravenelle. All rights reserved.