AJR Communications
CCAT Website and Product Launch

For nearly 30 years, TCC Group has provided consuting services to nonprofits, corporate citizenship programs and philanthropies. However, recognizing that in-depth and in-person consulting is not always an option for all nonprofits, the firm decided to expand its practices by launching its first online consulting product.

In May 2007, the Core Capacity Assessment Tool (CCAT, pronounced "C-cat") was officially launched to the public. The CCAT allows an organization to analyze its four core capacities and organizational culture. The CCAT provides users with a report on their capacities and detailed recommendations for future growth and change.

As Marketing Manager, I wrote the CCAT marketing plan and personally managed all launch marketing including:

  • CCAT logo
  • Introductory and bulk pricing
  • Front page article in the TCC newsletter
  • Marketing brochure
  • Direct mail postcard
  • Marketing partnerships
  • One-stop shop website featuring CCAT sample report, FAQ, newsroom and e-commerce capabilities
  • Sample report branding
  • Print and online advertising, including Google AdWords
  • Media outreach to trade and national publications
  • Sales training and sales call critiques for staff members
  • Development of marketing handbook
  • Conference attendance and booth staffing
CCAT Launch Materials:

Prelaunch: TCC newsletter coverage

In order to give current clients a sneak peak at the new product, we focused the Winter/Spring issues of the TCC newsletter on the CCAT.
Click here to read the article.


Launch: Marketing brochure

Offering a product -- as opposed to simply consulting services -- was a new direction for the firm. As a result, we designed our new brochure to feature the "TCC blue," but to move slightly beyond the traditional TCC branding. Click here to access the brochure.


Launch: Direct mail postcard

Raising awareness of the new product was key. This postcard -- sent to current and prospective clients -- announced the introductory pricing and let customers know the tool was now available. Click here to access the postcard.

CCAT One-stop Website

Click here to access the CCAT website in a new window.

Alexandrea J. Ravenelle -- Marketing & Communications
©2010 Alexandrea J. Ravenelle. All rights reserved.